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Precision Machining Limited

COVID-19 Visitor Policy

We are all aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all our lives, especially with regard to where and how we work. At Precision machining we take our responsibility to keep everyone - employees, suppliers, customers and all who may have contact with the business - very seriously. In line with legislation and with the latest government guidelines, we have implemented a set of carefully considered procedures in the workplace to help keep everyone safe. We have some specific procedures which will apply to anyone who wishes to visit our facilities for any reason:


  1. Only essential visits (as determined by PML MD) will be permitted until further notice. The company has resources in place for video conferencing (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc) and these facilities should be used, as an alternative, wherever possible.

  2. All visits must be by prior appointment ~ no exceptions. Appointments can be made by ‘phone (Tel: 01254 397601) or by e mailing

  3. As a condition of allowing a visit, all visitors must provide “track and trace” contact details (personal and company ‘phone numbers plus a second company contact ~ e.g. HR or line manager). 

  4. Visitors will also be required to complete a telephone COVID-19 Checklist before each visit. Approval of each visit will be at the discretion of the PML MD after reviewing the Checklist. 

  5. All personal information will be kept confidential and held for 14 calendar days after the date of your visit. On the next working day after the 14 days, we will securely dispose of your personal information. If, during that period, there is a COVID–19 incident which could be relevant to your visit, we will contact you and may also share your information with the appropriate authorities.

  6. Your appointment will be for a specific date and time. If, for any reason, you need to change the date or the time, you must re-apply following the same procedure.

  7. On arrival at the PML site (for a visit by appointment) the entrance door will be closed. Please call 01254 397601 to let us know you have arrived, put on a face covering, and stand 1 meter back from the door whilst we let you in, and then follow your host’s guidance on hand sanitising. 

  8. You will not be asked to sign in (we will record your presence on site when you let us know that you have arrived and similarly record your departure).

  9. After hand sanitising you will be reminded of our COVID-19 policies and procedures as they relate to your visit. Procedures will be clearly displayed at each hand sanitising station.

  10. You must, as far as reasonably practical, wear a face covering at all times and in all areas and adhere to our social distancing policy, especially in the Meeting Room.  

  11. The only refreshment available to you will be bottled water. Bottles will be sanitised on placement in the meeting room. You must safely dispose of any bottle which you use during your visit, either by taking it with you or putting it into the waste bin in the Meeting Room.

  12. You are encouraged to restrict your movements within site to only those locations absolutely necessary to the specific purpose of your visit. Wherever possible, you should stay in the Meeting Room and avoid social contact with other employees and or other visitors, keeping your time on site as short as reasonably practical.

  13. On leaving site, you will be able to dispose safely of any used face covering (in the waste bin provided at the exit) and sanitise your hands.



We realise that these procedures will probably make it more difficult for us to meet but the safety of our employees, our customers, our suppliers and the wider community is vitally important and we trust that you will work with for the benefit of everyone. Thank you for your co-operation and please remember:



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